2 Things I Can Control

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Last week marked day 2,600 of running every single day. The last 30 days have been like no other in my lifetime. Most of us are required to stay home to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Running during this time is one of the few constants. In the middle of a pandemic, milestones are important.

In the midst of uncertainty, I’m reminded there are only 2 things I can control – my attitude and my activity.

Some days it’s the attitude that drives the activity, and some days the activity drives the attitude. Over the last 2600 days, there are many mornings I don’t feel like going outside to run (maybe most morning). I’ve often said that the hardest part of my run is the distance from the bed to the front door. However, it’s usually after the first mile that my mood changes and I’m thankful to be on another run.

This same mindset applies to my career as well. I cannot control the economy or when our stay-at-home order will end. I can, however, control my attitude about the work I get to do and the activities that move me closer to my goals. When the motivation is there, it’s easy for the activity to follow. But in this time of quarantine and closures, I realize I have to lead with activity and the motivation will follow.

Tomorrow will move us one day closer to getting back to normal. For me, it’s important to remember that even as things go back to the way they were, there are ultimately only 2 things that I can control – my attitude and my activity.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s run…

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